Let’s set some boundaries

Wow. I feel overwhelmed with so many ideas and things I want to share with you through this little corner… my palms are beginning to sweat and my heart is starting to beat faster even thinking about some of the stories that are on my heart to share.

They aren’t exciting ones. In fact they are the hard, yucky, real life kinda stuff that no one likes to share. Yet we all value hearing them so much because we get to know that person on a totally different level. We get to relate to that person and think “wow, I’m not the only one. She struggles with that too”.

I am not sure when those days will come but I ask that you give me grace just as you would want for yourself sharing something close to your heart.

If you don’t agree with me all the time, thats ok. When you do, please remember, less is more. Maybe my words are meant for someone else, and maybe they are meant for you. Either way, I hope you can respond to me as you would want others to respond to you.

Also, I won’t be sharing anything my sweet husband hasn’t given me permission to share. He knows how valuable being vulnerable is, but we know when to draw the line and keep things just between us.

I am sure some of the things you’ll read you will question if he wants that out there.. and the answer is probably not! To be honest neither do I! But if it helps someone else we both agree its worth putting our pride aside and embracing hearts racing and sweaty palms!

Cheers to a new journey! Thank you for being here. 

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