DIY Dry Shampoo Powder and Spray

For all the ladies out there, this is for you! If you are still using the dry shampoos from the store or haven’t heard of dry shampoo, keep reading!

I have used dry shampoo’s for a super long time and can’t imagine having to go without now! It is the perfect tool to touch up your one or two-day-old hair that you’re not quite ready to wash yet.

Here are two super popular recipes to try and see which you prefer! Feel free to add any other oils you like, too!

Dry Shampoo powder



  1. Combine all ingredients together
  2. Apply with a makeup brush or sprinkle in and massage into scalp
  3. Apply 10 minutes – 1 hour before needing to style hair for best results
I add a bit of my brown colored eye shadow for tint!

Dry Shampoo spray



  1. Add dry ingredients, then the essential oils so they get fully absorbed and dispersed
  2. Add the witch hazel and rubbing alcohol
  3. Shake each time before use. The cornstarch with settle at the bottom a little
  4. Apply 10 minute – 1 hour before styling

I would also say if you use the spray, apply and let it dry before you apply more, as it is easy to over-apply! Also, be aware that the cornstarch will still show up white on any clothing it gets on or will show up a little brown if you’ve added any color. I usually get dressed after I have applied it.

The spray version has quickly become my new favorite! Although, the powder version is handy as you can apply once your hair is up.

As always I love sharing recipes and things I am making and loving! It would mean so much to me if you dropped your email address in the subscribe box on the right or at the bottom if you’re on your phone! You will get an email each time I post, which is Tuesdays and Fridays. Unsubscribe at any time!

Between posts on the blog, follow me on Instagram and see what I am cooking, diffusing and everything in between over @mrshopehavens! Thanks for being here.

Until next time- HH

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